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The Rupertikirtag in Salzburg.

The Salzburg Harvest Festival.

Ancient customs and traditions characterise autumn around the provincial capital of Salzburg. Autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons here, and not just in terms of the climate. The long, hot days become shorter again, the temperatures moderate and nature begins to change and shine in a variety of colours. With late summer and the approach of autumn, preparations are also made for the cattle drive and the harvest. Many customs, traditions and events have therefore been established around the traditional harvest festival for centuries.

Bauernherbst in Salzburg.

The cattle drive.

One of the most central events of the farmers' autumn is the cattle drive. The cattle, which were driven to the alpine pastures in spring, are brought back down to the valley. The leading cow is festively decorated and is allowed to lead the procession home. This tradition has been celebrated for a long time and now more and more non-residents are also enjoying the cattle drive and the associated festivities. This also includes the consumption of regional delicacies, folk music and cosy get-togethers.

Im Bauernherbst in Salzburg.

The harvest festival.

The fields, crops, shrubs and trees are harvested and the food is processed and stored. Thanksgiving has emerged as a way of expressing gratitude for a productive year and as a positive conclusion to the fruitful seasons. Christianity was at the forefront of this tradition, which is why in many places there is a procession through the village after church on Sundays. This is often accompanied by the local music band and decoratively arranged crops, corn crowns and fruit are presented.

The traditional outfit in the Bauernherbst.

Dirndl & lederhosen.

Another important milestone of the farmers' autumn is traditional clothing - the dirndl and lederhosen. For many, traditional costume is an integral part of all traditional festivities. That's why they play such an important role during the Harvest Festival in Salzburger Land. In Salzburger Land, as in many other parts of Austria, almost every valley has its own traditional costume. Connoisseurs of traditional costume can recognise hidden messages and the origin of the wearer from the embroidery, patterns and wearing variations.

Do you have your own traditional costume and would like to wear it again? You will find the perfect opportunity at the numerous festive events in Salzburg's Harvest Festival. Enjoy the company of like-minded people. Ideas for events where dirndls and lederhosen definitely go well: Lederhosen Thursday and the autumnal Rupertikirtag Salzburg.

Rupertikirtag in Salzburg.

The Salzburg Rupertikirtag.

St Rupert is the patron saint of the province of Salzburg. He was the founder of St Peter's Monastery in Salzburg. St. Peter's Monastery is located in the centre of Salzburg and is the oldest monastery in Austria. Even today, St Rupert watches over Salzburg from the steps of the cathedral. As a striking symbol, he holds a barrel of salt in his hand.

Salzburg's Rupertikirtag is celebrated in his honour every year around St. Rupert's name day on 24 September. This is accompanied by a wide range of fairground attractions on the Domplatz and Residenzplatz. A highlight that young and old alike always look forward to.

Der charmante Salzburger Bauernherbst.

Our holiday tip for your autumn holiday.

Never been there before? Then this is our holiday tip for autumn and late summer. The Harvest Festival is celebrated in over 72 communities in Salzburger Land with various traditional festivals. Combine your city holiday in Salzburg with nature experiences and traditional cultural events such as the cattle drive during the Harvest Festival.

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